Secondary Program
Oak Hill’s secondary school serves students ages 12 to 22 in one of five classroom groups. Each class is led by one or more credentialed special educators, and supported by highly qualified teaching assistants as needed.
““We had music appreciation and listened to Vivaldi, and we did some math I’d never seen before. Mom, I think this is going to be the best year of my life!””
Oak Hill’s middle and high school programming is broad to address the specific needs of all of our students:
Life Skills and Functional Academics
For some of our students, we focus on activities of daily living – cooking, cleaning, personal hygiene – and on the literacy and mathematics skills they will need most in adult life. This programming is based on California functional performance indicators.The Oak Hill Elementary Program
Oak Hill’s elementary school serves students ages 6 to 13 in multi-age, multi-grade classroom groups. One or more credentialed special educators leads each classroom, supported by highly qualified teaching assistants. We use a suite of approaches within the relationship-based model, including structured visual-organizational work systems, augmentative and alternative communication, Floortime/DIR, activities promoting healthy emotional regulation and social cognition, and behavioral activities which use reward systems as organizing tools.
Specialized Academic Instruction
Some students are able to access California standards-based content, though they require specialized teaching techniques. Speech-language and occupational therapists play an important role in helping students with this content.
Diploma-Track and College Preparatory Programming
We also have some high school students who are able to access the full California high school academic program, but for whom regular high schools – even small ones – are daunting social and sensory environments. Oak Hill Prep delivers a full program of high school coursework for which students may earn diploma credit.
Other features that distinguish Oak Hill’s secondary programming include:
THERAPEUTIC INFUSION: Speech-language therapy, occupational therapy and psychotherapy are integrated with the classroom program. Social learning goals are a priority across the school.
COMMUNITY-BASED INSTRUCTION: Students experience challenging and meaningful trips and internships in the larger community.
SENSORY INTERVENTIONS: Sensory interventions are available throughout the day for all students in the school.