Oak Hill School reviews candidates for admission year round.
Our admissions process includes conversations, information sharing, student observation and data collection conducted by a team of Oak Hill School faculty in coordination with the student’s parents and school district. Our goal is to determine if each child’s strengths and challenges can be served appropriately at Oak Hill School.
Oak Hill is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization, and is certified as a Non-Public School (NPS) for the purposes of accepting funding through the student’s home school district. Oak Hill School also accepts private-pay families.
Admission process steps:
Contact Oak Hill School for preliminary conversation.
For questions and inquiries regarding admissions at Oak Hill School please contact us at: (415) 457-7601 ext.105 or via email at info@myoakhill.org.
We are a no restraint school so if your student is exhibiting behaviors that require any kind of physical intervention from staff, we are likely not the right school. While we do have student with a designation Other Health Impairment (OHI) we are not able to support medically fragile students. An additional requirement is that students must be able to mange their toileting needs with minimal assistance
Share/review educational records.
Oak Hill School will need to have a recent IEP, testing, psychological reports or any documentation that allows us to get to know your child. The multidisciplinary staff will review the records to Oak Hill School make a preliminary decision regarding our program being a fit for the student.
Parent tour the school campus.
We ask that the first visit to Oak Hill School is parent(s) only or parent and school district official. While visiting you will see our classrooms, meet staff and receive an overview of the school programs. This is an opportunity for parents to get an impression if they believe Oak Hill School could be the right school.
Meet the student.
If it is determined by Oak Hill School and parents that a student is a potential fit for Oak Hill School, we will arrange to meet the student. Depending on the situation, Oak Hill staff may visit the student in their current setting and/or have the student visit campus.
Staff will conduct an informal observation of the student candidate. This provides an opportunity for the student to experience the school environment.
Complete and return an application.
Advocacy for public funding remains the responsibility of the family, and Oak Hill maintains an open and accessible relationship with many school districts in the greater Bay Area. The majority of students are funded through their school districts, with support of NPS funding through the Individualized Education Program (IEP) either already in place, or in process. Families may also pay tuition privately.
For questions and inquiries regarding admissions at Oak Hill School please contact us at: (415) 457-7601 ext.105 or via email at info@myoakhill.org.